Discover the art of car photography with “Auto Photo Manual” – An Exquisite Exploration of the images and the process behind them from acclaimed photographer Benedict Redgrove.

This comprehensive book captures a curated selection from over two decades of Redgrove’s work, featuring some of the most exotic and rare cars of the 20th and 21st centuries. The 290x250mm 256 page book delves into the art and methodology of car photography, showcasing Redgrove’s distinctive work and offering readers a rare glimpse behind the scenes the technical processes behind his stunning images.

“Auto Photo Manual” showcases Redgrove’s frequently referenced car photography, including images for Bertone Design studios in Turin, the Roborace self-driving racing car, concept cars from Aston Martin, and hypercars from McLaren. These photographs present beautiful cars as works of art, highlighting the intricate design and technical prowess involved. The book also provides an exploration of the creative process behind the images, the intricacies of advertising commissions, and the detailed production of car photography. Readers will gain exclusive insights into why these works were created in a specific manner, revealing the secrets behind the author’s distinguishable style.

Key Highlights of “Auto Photo Manual”:

  • Stunning imagery: For the first time, images of Aston Martin, McLaren, Roborace, Giugiaro, Pininfarina, Bertone, and many more are seen in their complete sets.

  • Behind-the-scenes content: Exclusive behind-the-scenes images from a selection of the productions

  • Real set builds and CGI: The process for making a physical set build and one in CGI the benefits and challenges of both

  • The back stories: A selection of projects reveal the stories behind the images, the how and why of the project.

  • Location, studio, factory and facilities: From Zaha Hadid’s amazing locations to factories and race facilities. How shooting in these scenarios requires different processes.

  • Auto-ism: An inspiring chapter titled “Auto-ism” delves into how Redgrove’s neurodivergent mind, being on the spectrum has been a key factor, offering a unique perspective on his creative process and vision.

  • Comprehensive insights: Information about the process of car photography, from advertising commissioning and production to retouching, lighting, cameras and CGI.


what people are saying:


“A look behind the curtain of a
master at his craft. This collection shows Benedict’s amazing ability to take an automobile in any situation and create some of the most beautiful and stunning imagery.”

Nathan W. Schroeder
creative director, Road & Track


"Benedicts work truly embodies the merging of the technician and the artist.
It's a fine line to dance but he always delivers this dance between these worlds revealing his mastery to us all."

ash thorph
President, ALT Creative, Inc. 


“Benedict freezes a designer’s complex work into a single moment — where light and reflections capture the original vision of stance, proportion, and weight. It is a privilege to be included in this
unique volume.”

daniel simon
Automotive Futurist 


“Collaborating with Benedict for The Road Rat was my aspiration when I started on the title, technical brilliance and his pushing of the creative boundaries combined with our shared aesthetic have produced two of my favourite commissions.”

Sam Walton
Art Director, the road rat


"Benedict's catalogue raisonné of car photography is a masterful and exhaustive retrospective, showcasing his unparalleled expertise and solidifying his status as one of the greatest in the art form."

ted gushue, erg media b.v.


the project

For over two decades, Benedict Redgrove has been capturing the elegance and innovation of the world’s leading luxury and hypercar manufacturers. From concept vehicles to production models, his photographs beautifully encapsulate the essence of their design.

Redgrove is renowned for his fresh perspective, often incorporating architecture, technical facilities, or custom-designed sets into his work. This unique approach distinguishes his award-winning photographs, which have graced magazines and billboards worldwide. Celebrated for their distinctive style, his images elevate car photography to an art form, setting them apart in the realms of advertising and editorial.

AUTO PHOTO MANUAL presents, for the first time, a specially curated selection of Redgrove’s work. The book is divided into three main sections: Location, Factory and Facilities, and Studio and Full CGI. Each section includes case studies of campaigns and projects for prestigious brands like Aston Martin, McLaren, Roborace, Bertone, and Pininfarina, among others. These case studies feature complete image sets, behind-the-scenes photos, and personal anecdotes detailing the conception, commission, and creation of each shoot, along with technical post- and pre-production information.

AUTO PHOTO MANUAL not only showcases incredibly stylish car photography but also offers a rare glimpse behind the scenes into the world of car photography, advertising, and innovative image-making.